Known to seafarers around the world as Stella Maris, the Apostleship of the Sea ministry is now called Stella Maris globally. The organisation cares for the spiritual, social and material welfare of all seafarers regardless of colour, race or creed.
Stella Maris is the largest ship-visiting network in the world. We care for seafarers and fishers through our network of local chaplains and seafarer centres with expert information, advocacy, practical help and spiritual support.
Sea Sunday
Sea Sunday is the day set by many Christian Churches to remember, celebrate, pray for seafarers and their families and give thanks for their lives and work. It is officially held on Sunday, 21 July, and Sunday, 28 July, 2024. Seafarers work tirelessly in the high seas throughout the year bringing us more than ninety percent of the goods we need.
In the Catholic Church, Sea Sunday is supported by Stella Maris around the world.
In Australia, Stella Maris Australia, prays for seafarers at Mass and provides resources for the parishes to use such as Prayers of the Faithful, Appeal Talk, Notes for the Bulletin, Poster and Images for digital and social media for Sea Sunday.
Parishioners have the opportunity to support this Catholic ministry through the Sea Sunday appeal. Its Stella Maris centres support seafarers’ welfare, and provide pastoral care and hospitality.
Please support our Sea Sunday Appeal 2024!
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